Copyright for Photographers

One of the courses I teach at college is called "Digital Design Essentials", which covers basic (very basic) uses of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. It’s a project-based course, with each student building a significant project in lieu of a final exam. Since they’re working on these projects well before then end of the semester (well, the good students are!) there’s no point in introducing new material in the last class so what I do is give a basic tutorial on copyright. What it means and how to protect your own work with it.

The web pages for this material have grown substantially over the years and it’s occurred to me that a lot of the material might be of interest/use to people outside class so I’ve copied the material onto my web site. The section on how to register your copyright may be particularly useful (though only for photographers/artists in the United States as the instructions are specific to the U.S.).

So here they are:

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