Copyright — Essential Protection for Your Photography

The World Wide Web has made it easy for you to show your photography and other visual art to millions of people around the world. And easier for them to steal it from you.

And here's an example of someone who was on the wrong end of an overzealous (but technically legal) lawsuit for copyright infringement.

There are a lot of misconceptions and urban legends surrounding copyright. This section of my web site will cover basic concepts and practices but if you have any serious or complex issues/questions you need to consult an experienced copyright lawyer. (A good online source of information is the Dear Rich blog, by Richard Stim, a genuine, practicing copyright/trademark/patent lawyer. It's informative and entertaining.) This material is written primarily for photographers and other visual artists, but it's broadly applicable to most creative work. If you display your work publicly it's a very good idea to make sure you're fully protected by copyright.

I should also mention that all this information is written for an audience in the United States. The section on How to Register Your Copyright is applicable only in the U.S.

So to proceed... The copyright material I have on line is divided up between two sections: